04 Sep

Contribution Price
SoftCap 50 million -> 1 ETH = 1,000,000 BTB
MediumCap 100 Million -> 1 ETH= 500,000 BTB
HalfCap 150 million -> 1 ETH= 250,000 BTB
HardCap 200 million -> 1 ETH= 100,000 BTB
Contributiors bonus BTRS structure
Minimum Contribution is set at 0.5 eth (If you would like to buy it less then that please visit one of the Exchanges that Bitball is listed on)

✅0.5 Eth - 50 bonus BTRS
✅1 Eth - 100 bonus BTRS
✅More then 5 Eth - 50% more bonus BTRS (ex. 5 Eth = bonus 750 BTRS (500+250).

🎁Plus a random lucky winner will receive a bumper draw jackpot of 5000 BTRS !!!

Stay tuned !

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